Hello there! I can't believe that October is here! Ack! But, at the same time, yeah! I love October! It is going to be a month full of fun!
I thought I would share a couple photos of my classroom right now.
These are all taken with my phone, so the quality could be better. I always forget that I have a flash on my phone, but I still try not to use it.
These No, David's, are completely adorable. They make me smile when I look at them. The faces, the hair, and the teeth, oh, the teeth!
This Helper board is right by our classroom door. It is in a spot that can't otherwise really be used, so it works out.
My classroom door. I am in a bungalow, so we only have one door. I am planning on changing out those apples with something for October.
I also have my question of the day on the door. The strips of tape have the student numbers so that my teacher's helpers have an easier time putting them back at the end of the day. Did I mention that my kiddos LOVE the QOTD? I am still reading it to them as they walk into the door, but I know by the end of the year, they will be reading it on their own, I LOVE that!
This sits behind my kidney table. It is basically my own personal bulletin board. I have their birthdays listed. I also have our class newsletter, a calendar, important items I need to remember, etc. I used wrapping paper for the background.
Oh, and most exciting? I have a birthday each month with this class. That hasn't happened in a LONG time. Usually they are bulked in one part of the year. But not this year.
This is my other wall with the rest of my No, David's. I have 32 kiddos, there isn;t much room.
This is in my library area. We made some Officer Buckle's. They came out adorable, but again, too many to fit on the bulletin board.
So, as you can see, we are well underway to a great start. I can't believe we are going into week 6! What??? This week we will be finishing up op our community unit and taking a closer look at fire safety. (We will incorporate this into community workers). It works out perfectly.
Last year, before I got my own TPT store, I put together a couple worksheets to go along with my unit. I finally updated it and added some additional pages. It is a simplified packet that can easily be incorporated into your busy schedule.
Here is a sneak peek.
Click the photo to go to my TPT store.
That's all for today!
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!