Friday, August 23, 2013

Five for Friday

Happy Friday!  This is the first Friday that I actually have things to link with
So here are my 5.

My classroom is almost complete!  I am loving it so far, and on Monday I will dive in to making copies and planning for the First Day.  Kinda nervous about this since I am teaching a 1/2 combo:)

*TWO* I cut my hair this week.  I needed it.  I haven't had my hair this long in, well I was 6!  I have very thick hair, so I had inches trimmed off as well as thinned out.
It feels so much better!  No more headaches when I wear a topknot!

*THREE*This printing practice pack!  I love it and can't wait to use it with my kiddos!

*FOUR*While shopping at Wally's, I found this cute lunch tote.  Kind Vera Bradleyesque!  I love it and can't wait to use it.  The best part?  $6.99.
*FIVE*Sorry this is sideways.  I found these wipe boards in the dollar spot.  The top green were from last year and I didn't use them last year, and I found the mirror ones this year!  They are the perfect boards for my sight word centers.  Right?  Super cute!
That's it!  Yay!  So glad I could link up this week!  Have a great one!


  1. LOVE your new haircut!! I'm due also - next week for me. :-)

    From Mrs. Allen’s Teaching Files

  2. Your hair is GORGEOUS Michelle! I would kill for that hair! Your room looks so beautiful and bright. I wish we still had Monday to copy - I hate our Monday start. Ready or not our kids will be there in full force! I am actually pretty excited.

    1. We always start on a Wednesday, I kinda like it. Have a great first day!

  3. LOVE your haircut and LOVE your room! Seriously- nobody would even know that lunch bag was NOT Vera Bradley. Adorable!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  4. I hate that all the Target Stores have different things in their dollar spot bins! I love those dry erase boards and you KNOW that when I get there, they will not have them. (and I will leave with $50 worth of other things) :)
    Lori @
    Bee the Change
    Mrs. Faas’ First Grade
